报告人:Lu Li(吕力) 教授
吕力教授于1977和1982年在清华大学材料工程系分别获得学士和硕士学位。1989年获比利时鲁汶大学冶金与材料工程系博士学位后在该校从事博士后研究,1991年加入新加坡国立大学机械系工作至今,2004年被聘为新加坡国立大学教授。吕力教授长期以来一直致力于材料相变、储能材料以及压电、铁电陶瓷和薄膜等领域的研究,多次获得新加坡教育部,新加坡科技研究局,新加坡国家研究基金,新加坡能源市场管理局等多家机构科研项目基金资助,资助基金共计数百万新元。此外,他作为首席研究员还获得了中国国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)的科研资助。撰写过8部学术专著,在Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Energy Storage Materials等顶级国际期刊杂志发表过500余篇论文,论文被引用次数超过35000次,h因子97。主持过30余次国际学术会议,且受邀在国际会议上做主题报告和特邀报告60余次。2005年,吕力教授因杰出的科研成果荣获新加坡工程师学会卓越成就奖;2017年,授获苏州工业园区科技领军人才称号。吕力教授现任Functional Materials Letters期刊主编(World Science出版社),以及Materials Technology-Advanced Performance Materials期刊的副主编(Taylor & Francis出版社)。吕力教授还是北京大学、浙江大学、重庆大学客座教授、澳洲昆士兰大学荣誉教授以及国内外多所著名大学的荣誉教授和客座教授。
Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have garnered significant attention as promising alternatives to lithium-ion batteries due to the abundance and low cost of sodium. A critical component of these batteries is the cathode material, which plays a crucial role in determining the battery's overall performance. Among various cathode materials, polyanion-based compounds, particularly sodium vanadium phosphate (Na3V2(PO4)3), have emerged as potential candidates due to their stable framework and high operating voltage. Recent advancements have led to the development of fluorinated derivatives of these materials, such as polyanion sodium vanadium phosphate fluoride (Na3V2(PO4)2F3), which exhibit enhanced electrochemical properties. The introduction of fluoride ions into the phosphate framework improves the structural stability and increases the energy density of the cathode, making it a compelling choice for next-generation sodium-ion batteries. To further stabilize the electrochemical performance we used different dopants to modify these polyanion compounds. Results show that doping can enhance electrical conductivity, increase ionic mobility, and stabilize the structure during cycling. This presentation highlights the significance of polyanion sodium vanadium phosphate and its fluorinated derivative, as well as the beneficial effects of doping on advancing the performance and commercial viability of sodium-ion batteries.